Thursday, October 31, 2019

Drunk Drivers Should Be Imprisoned on the First Offense Essay

Drunk Drivers Should Be Imprisoned on the First Offense - Essay Example Drunk driving must be dealt with a stern approach and one of the reasons behind dealing with the same is through punishing the first time offenders. This leads to a chaotic situation where imprisonment seems to be the only way forward. Imprisonment is therefore a grave reality which shall open the eyes of the offenders once and for all and it ought to bring solace to the pedestrians and other drivers on the road that have made no mistake to be present there. Moving ahead, it has been seen that drunk driving leads to problems of magnanimous effects as this has been researched upon through studies and evidence that has been discerned to date. Hence imprisonment seems to be the only harsh reality that can dawn upon an individual when he is doing the undoable, i.e. driving whilst being drunk. If the offenders know beforehand that they would be imprisoned for a set duration of time, they would abstain from getting into such realms in the first place. Also it would mean that the people wou ld have little choice than to forego this habit of theirs forever. These offenders would know that if they commit something wrong in the future, they would not be spared and hence their driving license would also be canceled as a result of the same. (Lobmann, 2002) is of the view that they will not be allowed to drive a vehicle until their license gets active again and hence this would serve as a deterrent to curb the menace of drunk driving all over the world. It is understandable that the problems which this individual will face under such realms would be immense but then again these are needed to tackle this issue once and for all. The accidents have increased all over the world. This is because people are in a rush to make it to their desired destinations. Also the fact that drunk driving cases have increased drastically. People just do not care if they have to make it to their destinations while they are in a state of being drunk. What they forget is the fact that drunk driving makes them feel dizzy and drowsy which is indeed quite a problem for the other pedestrians and drivers on the road. The latter feel that they are at the direct mercy of these drunk drivers and that they would have to do it themselves in the case of safety on the road. Wagner (2011) asserts what is even more discouraging is the fact that some people believe in drinking whilst driving which is doubly dangerous for just about everyone. However precautions need to be taken by the authorities to make sure that drunken individuals do not hit the roads. No matter what happens, it would be a good starting point to put them behind bars for a certain amount of time and revoke their licenses to curb this problem once and for all. From a personal example, I have seen cases when drunken individuals have come on to the road and created absolute mayhem. This has meant that they have lost their control completely and hit different vehicles on the road and even the innocent pedestrians. I have seen accidents so severe that I have not been able to sleep properly after that. What is needed however is an understanding that drunk driving is one form of evil that must be avoided as much as possible because it creates trouble for the people on and off the road. The property that is destroyed under such domains is another aspect that needs to be given proper significance as well. In essence, the drunken drivers should be told to spend some time in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Dilemma of Lieutenant Jimmy Cross in Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried” Essay Example for Free

The Dilemma of Lieutenant Jimmy Cross in Tim O’Brien’s â€Å"The Things They Carried† Essay In Tim O’Brien’s â€Å"The Things They Carried† First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross is a 24 year old young man in love with a girl named Martha, who is thrust into the jungles of Vietnam. Carrying â€Å"the responsibility for the lives of his men† but distracted by his fantasies of Martha, tragedy strikes his platoon and Ted Lavender is shot and killed. (p. 97). Lieutenant Cross grieves for Lavender, for Martha, for himself, as he curtails his daydreams â€Å"determined to perform his duties firmly and without negligence. † (p. 106). PARAGRAPH The war was gruesome, relentless, monotonous, and purposeless. The men of Lieutenant Cross’s platoon carried everything they needed (and some things they did not) on their persons as they â€Å"humped† it through the jungles of Vietnam (p. 98). They carried food, clothing, bedding, weapons, photos, diseases, parasites, wounded and dead comrades, memories, reputations, dreams, and â€Å"the common secret of cowardice barely restrained† (p. 105). They carried things for many different reasons: choice, necessity, entertainment, superstition, or as a function of rank or field specialty. PARAGRAPH Among his things, Lieutenant Cross carried memories, letters, pictures, and a good luck charm from a young college student named Martha. Although they dated before the war, they only kissed briefly, and her letters carried news of a â€Å"separate-but-together quality† they shared (p. 99). He knew that just because she signed her letters love Martha did not mean she was in love with him, but he was hopeful. He often lost himself in fantasies of her, wondering about her virginity and what â€Å"her truest feelings were† (p. 99). He moved slowly and distractedly finding it difficult to keep his mind on war and his men’s security. His mind continuously wandered to thoughts of â€Å"Martha’s smooth young face, thinking he loved her more than anything, more than his men, and now Ted Lavender was dead because he loved her so much and could not stop thinking about her† (p. 99). He was young and in love and could not help it but he was ashamed and hated himself too. PARAGRAPH Among his things, Ted Lavender who was scared, carried tranquilizers, premium dope and extra ammunition, necessities for him. On the day he was shot and killed, he had just popped a tranquilizer and gone off to pee. Caught by a bullet to the head, in the act of zipping up, he went down instantly, under an exceptional burden of â€Å"unweighed fear† and extra bullets (p. 99). PARAGRAPH â€Å"The morning after Ted Lavender died, First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross crouched at the bottom of his foxhole and burned Martha’s letters. Then he burned the two photographs† (p. 105). He realized that daydreams of unrequited love had no place in this nightmare world he called reality. He knew that this sentimental gesture could not burn the blame he felt for Lavender’s death, but perhaps it would keep the rest of the platoon alive. PARAGRAPH Lieutenant Jimmy Cross’s dilemma arose from the natural impulses of a young man in love coupled with the incessant responsibilities of a combat officer. Following Lavender’s death he realized â€Å"that his obligation was not to be loved but to lead† (p. 107). A heavy burden to carry indeed. He vowed to himself diligence to his officer’s duties, fully intending to run a tight ship regardless of the complaints of his men.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Examining The Automotive Industry In Malaysia Economics Essay

Examining The Automotive Industry In Malaysia Economics Essay The industry I have chosen is the automotive Industry in Asean in particular Malaysia and to go more indepth I took proton as a good case study what is happening to the Malaysian automotive industry. Why Malaysia? Malaysia has a strong driving culture and one of the highest penetration rates of cars per capita in the world (Bonami, 2005, p. S3), as well as the growing clout of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) markets, Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Berhad (PROTON) as an appropriate sample available at ( Brief introduction about proton The first national car project by Malaysia was undertaken with the establishment of Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional (PROTON) in 1983. The Proton Saga was produces 1985. Proton nowadays produces a number of car models and variants, including the Iswara, Perdana,Wira, Satria, Putra,Waja and most recently, the GEN-2 and Satria Neo. The latest 104 M. Rosli F. Kari models, as reported, use Malaysian developed engines through collaboration between Proton and its subsidiary, Lotus (United Kingdom) . . Political and economic structures, including cultural attitudes relevant to the business; According to ( Rasiah, 2005) Malaysia continues to protect its automobile industry against the conditions in the Trade related Investment Measures (TRIMs) agreement of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the inclusion of automotives under the common effective preferential tariffs (CEPT) under the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Free Trade Area (AFTA) process has brought increasing pressure for the removal of localization-based tariff protection of automotives and parts production in the country Stimulatory and Protective Measures set by the Malaysian government The development of the Malaysian automotive industry is heavily depending upon the undivided support of the government. Various stimulatory and protective measures, such as investment incentives, a local content policy, and tariff and nontariff barriers were implemented to stimulate the development of both local automotive and parts production. Proton in particular is a unique case because of its status as the first national project. To date, the largest shareholders in Proton are still government-controlled agencies, namely Khazanah Nasional Berhad (42.7 per cent), the Employees Provident Fund (12.6 per cent), and Petronas (9.8 per cent). Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd, a Singapore investment merged as a new shareholder with a 5 per cent Holding ( Rosli.M KariF 2008). The government has also provided many incentives under the 1986 Promotion of Investment Act. In particular the Pioneer Status and Investment Tax Allowance are the two most lucrative tax incentives granted to companies involved in promoted activities or products that are, from time to time, determined by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). In order to help to develop national capabilities in the automobile Industry in a sustainable but competitive way, the Malaysian government initially provided protection, allowing Proton( and other Malaysian car manufacturers) to withstand some early environmental downturns (Todd, 1986). For example, import duties were set at roughly 21% on domestic components, as compared to 40% on the equivalent foreign parts. This implies that there was a substantial difference in price between foreign imported cars and proton cars. Moreover, PROTON cars required excise duties of only 11%, while foreign branded automobiles were taxed up to 25%. Further, the authorities demanded car assemblers charge a profit margin of 16 to 17% to avoid price wars (Zafar A. Humpreys J. 2008). This all resulted into that Proton was totally protected in any kind of way of the way to potential success was predetermined in Malaysia. Economic structure Cultural attitudes In Malaysia there is general consensus that the automobile industry is one of the drivers of world economic growth and has the potential to shape how we make things . . . , how we work . . . , what we buy, how we think and the way we live(Womack, Jones, Roos, 1990, p. 11). Therefore the Malaysian economy has always been heavily depending upon the automobile industry or product which are complementary to that, such as petrol in which Malaysia has one of the biggest oil( Petronas) producing companies in Asia.As mentioned earlier a strong driving culture exists in Malaysia and owing a car is culturally considered as a status symbol of wealth and prosperity. Moreover, the plan has been since the 1970s to turn Malaysia into the League of Developed Nations under the visionary leadership of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, and was introduced in a national development policy document entitled Vision 2020(Zafar A. Humpreys J. 2008) This is important, from a economical points of view as Malaysia has not gone through the usual industrial stages, which implies highly skilled, labor-intensive to mass production (semi skilled, limited products) to multi skilled, mass customization (Simpson, Sykes, Abdullah, 1998). . Nature of international trade in ASEAN, now and historically (say ten years ago); Currently, Asean is near to create an integrated economic community that will free movements of goods, services, investment, capital and skilled labor within the 10 Asean countries. An AEC characterized by a single market and production base allows for economies of scale, investment flows and building business linkages and network to promote further commerce. The future looks bright for Asean due to fully rebound of the economic crisis. It is expected that Asean private demand picks up, export will increase and social safety will be more enhanced. However, the Economic Community pillar has introduced at AEC scorecard, which list down the measures to be undertaken and the achievements to date. Thus, far Asean only has a 75.5% achievement rate for the 2008/2009 measures. Asean has to do a number of things if it is to achieve its goal of building an AEC by 2015. This current year exports of Asean are expecting to rise between 4.9% and 5.6 % after a 1.5% growth in 2009. In the area of services Asean members are close to completing the 7th AFAS package of service commitments covering varying levels of commitments in 65 services Hub sectors. The service sector of Asean received the highest amount of FDI, accounting for more than 50% of total Aseans FDI. The sign are good and Asean will see a further increasing growth this year and currently capital flows are increasing, inflation remains low and manageable and Asean currencies appreciate slightly versus the Euro and US$. History Since the adoption of the AEC blueprint in 2007, significant progress has been made towards achieving the AEC in 2015. In Janaury 2010, The Asean-6 achieved zero tariffs covering 99 and for the CLMV 98% and at 0.5 % tariff rates of the total tariff covering under the common effective preferential tariffs for asean free trade area(CEPT-AFTA). Also in the same month Asean saw the realization of Asean-China and Asean-Korea free trade agreements and the commencement of the implementation of the Asean- Australia-New Zealand free trade agreements and Asean India free trade agreement. Since 2000 Asean exports rose from US$68 billion to US$162.5 billion in 2009. Asean imports of services from the world market has also expanded markedly, of similar trend and magnitutude as exports, increasing two-fold from US$ 86.6 to US$ 180.4 billion in 2009 In investment, Asean has witnessed a steady increase in intra-Asean FDI flows accouting for 18.2% ( US$ 10.8 billion) of total Asean FDI ( US$ 59.7 billion) inflows in 2008, compared with a share of 13.82% in 2006. For the same period, total FDI inflows increased by 8.59%. Source: Asean Roundtable 2010. Achieving the asean economic growth 2015: Challenges for Member countries 29th April 2010. Aseans Readinesss in achieving the Asean economic community 2015. Pushpanathan Sundram Regional governments attitude towards international trade and investments, both outward and inward; The ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (AFTA) is a regional free trade agreement among Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand,the Philippines, Indonesia, Brunei, Vietnam, Cambodia,Laos, and Myanmar. The ten participating countries agreed to develop a free trade area that would become a single market with more than 550 million potential consumers (Bonami, 2005). An integrated ASEAN would be the eighth-largest automobile market, with 1 million new car sales each year. With projected growth trends, it has the potential to actually become the fourth largest auto market, with as many as 2.2 million new autosales annually (Seeking for Bigger Share, 2002). The creation of the free trade zone in Southeast Asia allowed PROTON greater access to its neighboring countries. While good news from the marketing front, AFTA would also set the stage for greater future competition for which PROTON was inadequately prepared. (Zafar A. Humpreys J. 2008) The protective tariff regime, which imposed rates of up to 300% on imported cars and helped PROTON to gain dominate market share has been phased out. In line with AFTA, all but a few import tariffs will be reduced to between 0 and 5% by 2008 (Shameen,2005). The increasing level of international competition puts the Malaysian firm in a very vulnerable position (Savage, 2005, p. 20). With plants, contract assembly, and/or joint ventures in Britain, Italy, Iran, Indonesia, Vietnam, and China (Bonami, 2005), . Although Malaysias overall automobile sales increased dramatically in 2005, the escalating competition saw PROTON continue its domestic decline (Edwin, 2005). Even with limited protective barriers still in place, the firms Malaysian market share had declined from roughly 70% to 45% in the previous five-year period (Burton, 2005). In response, PROTON is looking to expand its export efforts within the ASEAN region, the Mediterranean countries . . . , the Middle East, China, as well as India and Russia to a lesser extent (Bonami, 2005, p. S5). While this is clearly a reasonable course of action, as exports account for less than 5% for Malaysian automakers versus the roughly 60% in Japan (Bonami, 2005), production capacity is still comparatively very small. PROTON, notwithstanding its earlier intentions of a large-scale strategy, is simply not big enough to gain economies of scale to compete effectively in the export market against giant global competitors (Shameen, 2005). The company has also been slow to market itself effectively around the world. Recent years have seen the organization neglect its prior efforts at branding, which has led to a cheap car image, even in the domestic market (Savage, 2005, p. 20). According to Rajeev Lochan, general manager, Asia-Pacific, TNS Automotive, While the short-term challenge is to provide a promotional thrust to models in its current line-up, the long-term requires PROTON to invest in revamping its aging product portfolio and reposition its brand to reach a wider base of prospective car buyers (Savage, 2005, p. 20). The stakes are very high, as approximately 100,000 jobs are on the line when considering PROTON and its component supply chain (Burton, 2005). By signing the AFTA agreement by the Malaysian government PROTON has to find alternative ways how to compete successfully with all its foreign competitors. Specify potential areas of intra-regional conflicts (if any) and synergies; As mentioned before Proton is a classic case of a long-protected national champion that is struggling as the market opens up and a perfect example of intra-regional conflict with its neighboring countries such as Thailand and Indonesia where the car market is liberalised. In 2002 its domestic market share was more than 60%. That has now fallen to 44% after Malaysia reluctantly agreed with its partners in the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to drop import barriers on ASEAN cars to around 20%, from up to 300% previously. And the process is just beginning: Malaysia actually fudged the market opening by simultaneously hiking excise taxes on the imported cars. But by 2008 the country has to do away with such sophistry and cut import duties to 5% The trouble is that Malaysias politicians and managers have failed to realise how vulnerable Proton is, says Graeme Maxton, director of automotive research group Autopolis. The Malaysians see it as a world-class carmaker with great export potential; the reality is that it is too small to survive in a global market dominated by just a dozen huge carmakers. Proton is off the scale in terms of economies of scale, says Mr Maxton, and it will slowly die once the market opens up. Hence, I argue that it is that it is undesirable to pursue such a strategy because on the long term this expensive project( proton and the automotive industry in Malaysia) will impose heavy costs on the government. The establishment of PROTON has to be attributed to the vision of the Malaysian government. The firm successfully positioned itself as the national car and pride of Malaysia, a symbol of its countrys accomplishment on the global stage. I agree that government initiation of a national champion (Donnelly et al., 2002) is certainly a powerful force for the vision and subsequent emergence of a developing country. The conflict which might arise is that Malaysia still is not willing to open up its car market completely to protect its own interest. This might result into intra-regional conflicts between Asean members. Especially between its neighboring countries because there is sufficient expertise available and this can be applied and used at the Malaysian carmarket (Zafar A. Humpreys J. 2008). This is the key problem that has prevented the government of Malaysia from signing ant bilateral Free Trade Agreements despite several attemps. For example the partnership with Japan in 2006, is called Economic Partnership Agreement is not compared to a fully eligible fta. Currently in Malaysia the call for liberalization and subsidies faced by industries (automotive) has remained an obstancle to greater integration in AEC. Synergies regarding the automotive in Malaysia are not available, futher it is difficult to determine the synergies between other automotive industries such as Thailand and Indonesia because the Malaysian automotive industry is a unique example compared to relative liberased automotive markets( Thailan Indonesia). Asean Roundtable 2010. Achieving the Asean Economic Community 2015:Challenges for Member countries. 29 April 2010, Singapore. Towards an Integrated Asian Economic Community. Where is Malaysia? Rajah Rasiah Application of suitable management model(s) to analyze findings According to the literature both models of porter can be applied to the Malaysian Automotive industry, however, Porters diamond also acknowledges the role the governmental forces and luck can play in national competitive advantage in which the 5 competitive forces is lacking. (Sledge, 2005) Demand conditions Demand conditions describe the level of domestic demand that Proton faces. Demand conditions depend both on the quantity of demand as well as the sophistication level of consumers in a home market. In Malaysia, the demand for cars has been risen steadily due to increasing living standards and consumer expenditure. However, the difference between supply in terms of Malaysian cars and foreign cars is substantial ( Due to tariff barriers and special incentives dedicated to Malaysian car manufactures which results in significant higher prices for foreign cars). In fact the Malaysian government can largely influence the demand since most of the Malaysian lack the purchasing power to buy foreign manufactured cars. Generally, demand conditions are associated with a countrys level of economic development. Malaysia is has been having a sustainable economic growth of an average of 5% per year since the 1980s. The company has also been slow to market itself effectively around the world. Recent years have seen the organization neglect its prior efforts at branding, which has led to a cheap car image, even in the domestic market (Savage, 2005, p. 20). Thus, the general consensus is Malaysia is that Proton/Malaysian cars are perceived as one of the cheapest car in their segment and this can result that very demanding consumers create an awareness in firms that causes them to focus on the needs and preferences of the consumer. Also, quantities of demand drive firms to higher levels of efficiency and productivity. Thus, high levels of demand in a nation would drive the firms in that industry to become globally competitive (Sledge, 2005), however this is not applicable yet because Malaysia is still a developing country. Factors conditions According to Porter, factor conditions include any factors of production that a firm uses in its businesses. These include the traditional factors of production, this includes manmade structures that facilitate commerce, Still other factors would be educational and legal systems. Porter classifies these factors into five major categories: Human resources, physical resources, knowledge resources, capital resources and infrastructure. The more advanced these factors are the more they will enhance the success of businesses located in the country. These factors provide needed inputs and systems that businesses use to gain competitive advantages over their rivals. Without them, firms would have to expend their own resources to provide such structures for commerce and transactions. (Sledge, 2005) Many of these important factors are still not completely utilized and developed to a certain level. Malaysia automotive industry is lacking most of the important factors such as human resources, knowledge resources many skilled Malaysian labors went abroad due to better labor conditions and highly skilled foreign labor has been brought into the Malaysian automotive industry. In order to expedite the transfer of technology to Malaysia, PROTON was proactive in initiating programs between local vendors and numerous established overseas technical collaborators. By 2002, some 222 collaborative arrangements were in place representing specialized assistance from various regional neighbors (primarily Japan, South Korea, and Chinese Taiwan), as well as Western Europe (Ahmed Humphreys, 2008) The Malaysian governments still plays a large role in their own industrial global competitiveness. It has been the initiative of the Malaysian government to set up its own automotive industry and therewith complementary industries will arise( such as car part suppliers). The aimed result was to create an advanced business infrastructure and an emphasis on innovation, however this is still not the case in the Malaysian automotive industry . Related and supporting industries This aspect of the model includes the importance of enterprises that indirectly or directly affect the automotive industry. Porter describes these ancillary businesses needed by firms as related and supporting industries. These most often encompass suppliers or distributors that serve the industry at hand. The model proposes that the stronger these industries are the stronger the local industry will be. The underlying assumption is that highly competitive supporting industries will drive the focal industry to be more competitive (Sledge, 2005). Hypothesis 3: Strong and dynamic related and supporting industries in a firm s home market will positively impact the firm s global competitiveness. PROTON, notwithstandingits earlier intentions of a large-scale strategy, is simply not big enough to gain economies of scale to compete effectively in the export market against giant global competitors (Ahmed Humphreys, 2008) And according to (ROSLI KARI, 2008)a research shows that foreign suppliers performed better than local suppliers. Interviews suggest that access to superior technology from abroad is the prime determinant of the inferior performance of local suppliers compared to foreign suppliers. Local firms lack firm-specific advantages that foreign multinational suppliers enjoy It points to the need for companies and governments to encourage and support ancillary industries to enhance global competitiveness. In both models, this parameter estimate was the second largest and the most statistically significant. This underscores the importance of related and supporting industries in the context of global competitiveness. Without a network, firms can not hope to be worldwide leaders. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry is the fourth clement in the model. This point on the diamond refers to several key strategic factors that characterize a firm. Strategy describes the types of actions firms utilize to achieve both long-range and short-range goals. These are often either low-cost, differentiation, focus strategies or some combination thereof Other common strategies include growth, maintenance or restructuring activities. Growth strategies would be associated with higher competitiveness because the ability to pursue growth intemally or extemally would be indicative of overall business health, Stmcture refers to the industry composition. This describes the degree to which an industry is concentrated or dispersed, competitive or monopolistic, or global or domestic. A more crowded structure would indicate multilevel competition and therefore greater competitiveness. Rivalry indicates both the number of players and the level of competition among firms in an industry. This could be heated, mid-range, non-rivalries or somewhere in between. Greater rivalry in an industry would lead a firm to higher levels of competitiveness vis a vis its rivals. Rivalry is thought to be the most comprehensive of the three factors, as it often indicates the underlying strategy and structure of the competitors Thus, a greater number of firm actions as well as a greater number of competitor responses in the focal industry lead to greater competitiveness of the firm. Hypothesis 4: Greater rivalry within a firm s home market will positively impact the firms global competitiveness Make and justify recommendations for possible business strategies to exploit the benefits in this region

Friday, October 25, 2019

Toward a Definition of Modernism Essay -- Modernism Opera Literature E

Toward a Definition of Modernism Lawrence B. Gamache’s article â€Å"Toward a Definition of Modernism† encapsulates in its title the challenges critics meet in their attempts to formulate a coherent theoretical modernist model, though the quintessential modernist works –even at the time of this 1987 article – are over sixty years old. Indeed, the sheer number of scholarly books and articles that discuss or contribute to the debate surrounding the definition of modernism indicates the extent to which modernism is a term whose only non-contentious consensus is that it its meaning is fraught with ambiguity. Susan Stanford Friedman’s contribution to the debate summarizes the theoretical crises thus: As terms in an evolving scholarly discourse, modern, modernity, and modernism constitute a critical Tower of Babel, a cacophony of categories that become increasingly useless the more inconsistently they are used. We can regard them as a parody of critical discourse in which everyone keeps talking at the same time in a language without common meanings. When terms mean radically different or contradictory things to people, then their use appears to threaten the project of scholarship/teaching altogether. (497) â€Å"Cacophony† aside, because there are some artists, though disparate in style and genre, who persistently make it into the debate, and who are universally regarded as modernist, such as T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, Picasso, Schoenberg, Stravinsky, or Frank Lloyd Wright, there must be a unifying or underlying principle that is essentially modernist. Notably, however, the sister arts drama and opera are absent from the genres represented by the â€Å"quintessential modernist works† of the artists above. (Although Picasso designed opera ... ... Tradition 2nd Ed. Ed. David Richter. Boston: Bedford, 1998. 1127-1141. Mathey, Francois. The Impressionists. Trans. Jean Steinberg. New York: Praeger, 1961. Puchner, Martin. â€Å"Modernism and Anti-theatricality: An Afterward.† Modern Drama 44.3 (2001): 355-361. Schonberg, Harold C. The Lives of the Great Composers. 1970. London: Futura, 1982. Stolba, K Marie. The Development of Western Music: A History 2nd Ed. Wisconsin: Brown and Benchmark, 1994. Trammell Skaggs, Carmen. â€Å"Modernity’s Revision of the Dancing Daughter: The Salome Narrative of Wilde and Strauss.† College Literature 29.3 (2002): 124-139. Yeats, William Butler. â€Å"My First Meeting with Oscar Wilde.† The Trembling of the Veil, in Autobiography. New York: Macmillan, 1916. 79-85. Rpt. in Oscar Wilde A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Richard Ellman. New Jersey: Prentice, 1969. 9-15.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Coursework on sociology Essay

To be a non-traditional student is not at all an easy decision I made. Having my own family who needs my full time and attention is the biggest consideration I had when I decided to take on-line course. However, my family is also the best encouragement and inspiration I had. The world is taking its fast pace towards globalization and everyone must be able to cope up. The computerization of almost everything requires that everyone must conform to the speed of economic changes. In this world where education is a key to success and progress, everyone must avail of education by any means available. I believe that the best thing I can do is to avail of education while still having time with my family is to take online courses. The decision will affect my social life and the financial status of my family since I will have to allocate time and finances with my studies. The hours I am spending before in personally doing the household chores will now be partly consumed by my studies. The few I hours I am spending before in visiting my friends next door will now be lessened in have time for my studies. (Kindly use the remaining required words in answering the question whether you are studying a technical field) In the absence of on line courses, I may consider having evening or weekend classes. However, evenings are my only time to help my kids in their home works. I do not want to sacrifice weekends either because I strictly set these days as family and church days. So the best thing for me is to choose timeslots that will best fit school hours when my children are in school which online courses offered. Question 2 English is undoubtedly the world’s widely accepted language as it is the required language for everyone to communicate globally. It is therefore important that everyone be able to have the opportunity to learn Standard English in order to cope up with the fast changing world especially that the world is pushing through globalization. I believe that even the students in the rural areas can compete globally. However, it is impossible for them to do it if they cannot meet the standards of the global arena expressed in Standard English. I believe that with this need, a child needs to learn English even before he go to a formal school. This does not however mean that local dialects are to be set aside and be forgotten. While English has been set as the official language of Kentucky in 1984, I believe that their local dialects as well as that of African-American who speak Ebonics must still be practiced. â€Å"Teachers should be given every possible tool to reach our children† (L. L. Rush). Even in school premises, it is important that students be able to freely express themselves which can only be possible when they speak in their dialects. But in order for them to cope up with the global standard, they are to strive hard in learning Standard English. Even the government of Kentucky is doing steps in order to assure that the students get the minimum skills required in English and Mathematics (V. Honawar). China, being the host in the 2008 Olympics is requiring its people to learn English in preparation of the event. The best way to learn is to practice and that is what every child in Kentucky and the rest of the world must do. This way, their confidence in facing the world will be better build up which will be their instrument in achieving success whether educational or economic success. Question 3 Robert William’s list of values have been created in 1970, that was more than three decades ago. The world has changed a lot, and so are the American’s perspectives, priorities and moral standards. As a contemporary American, morality and family are the values that are of the highest importance to me. With the fast changing world, I value education in order for me to cope up with the success and progress of the world. In order for me to do this, I need to avail of the freedom and equality that the American government offers. All of my current efforts are for my family and I owe all of what I have now from God. With reference to William’s list, I think that the importance of protecting the family is the value that he had missed. As I browsed on the websites providing lists and information on the American values, I was impressed with the survey results made by the Roper Poll Corporation revealing that protecting the family is the first in the list of values that Americans consider as important. The other values in William’s list still appear to be the same important values for Americans although there is a noticeable change in their sequence. I believe that because America has already been progressive, the value of success, achievement and progress are no longer on top of the list. Most of the websites I browsed agreed on the order of the values but are contrary to William’s list in the sense that family is not included in the latter’s list. Also, achievement and success are no longer on top of the values prioritized by modern Americans. I believe that my list of values will differ with that of the other students in a way that family and morality, including faith are on top of my list. I am assuming that majority of the students will conform with the latest survey of which family is on top but religiosity and morality at the 8th and 9th spots out of ten values. WORKS CITED Crawford, James. â€Å"Issues in U. S. Language Policy†. Retrieved on June 23, 207 from http://ourworld. compuserve. com/homepages/JWCRAWFORD/langleg. htm Grass, Gunter. â€Å"The US Betrays its Core Values†. The Los Angeles Times. April 07, 2003. Retrieved on June 23, 2007 from http://www. commondreams. org/views03/0407-05. htm Grouling, Thomas E. â€Å"American Values†. â€Å"Common Questions: Uniquely American Questions†. Retrieved on June 23, 2004 from http://www. americanhospitals. com/questions/american/amervalues. htm 06/23/07 Honawar, Vaishali. â€Å"Kentucky Seeks to Improve College Readiness†. Retrieved on June 23, 2007 from http://www. edweek. org/ew/articles/2004/11/17/12ky. h24. html Rush, Ladonna Lewis. â€Å"The Ebonics Debate†. Retrieved on June 23, 2007 from http://www. princeton. edu/~browning/news/rush. html The American Demographic Magazine. October 2000 issue â€Å"American Values: Overview†. Retrieved on June 22, 2007 from http://www. orednet. org/~jflory/205/day_val_overview. htm

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

2 Types of Computer Science Essay Writing Prove Yourself in 30 Topics with 5 Simple Steps

2 Types of Computer Science Essay Writing Prove Yourself in 30 Topics with 5 Simple Steps Today, Computer Science is an academic discipline that incorporates the study of computers and computing by means of scientific methods. This field is probably relevant for many students whether someone studies the humanities, social sciences or fine arts. A wide variety of issues, such as security against viruses and spyware, the effective usage of the World Wide Web to find the necessary information, can occur to everyone. But not everyone, who has a personal computer, needs to write a computer science essay. If you are still required to deal with computer science essay writing, it is better to know all the ins and outs of this process. This computer science essay writing guide is to help you end up with successful writing a particular type of essays on Computer Science. You’ll know the purpose of essay writing and its main features that give a reasonable fit to an A+ essay paper. Broad Type of Computer Science Essay Writing There are a lot of discussions about computers in the academic field. This fact allows many instructors to give the assignment to write a computer science essay on a broad topic to know your opinion and arguments for it. The main purpose of a broad essay is to demonstrate the ability to construct a coherent argument and employ critical thinking skills. So, in what computer science topics you can show this ability? The following list of broad Computer Science essay topics gives the chance to try yourself: Computer Science: My Programming Experiences Computerization of Everyday Life: 10 Pros and Cons of This Process The Success of the Computer Science in the 21st Century The Concept of the Internet in the Computer Science: Is It Central? 7 Top Possibilities Given by the Course of Computer Science High-Tech Workers of the Silicon Valley: Who Are These Representatives of the Computer Science? The History of Computer Science: How Did It Start Developing? The Importance of Computer Science: Should Everyone Be a Scientist? Is a Career in the Computer Science Realizable for Most Students? Artificial Intelligence Vs. Human Brain: Who Copes with Problems Better? The Impact of the Computer Science on X Spheres of Our Life 6 Research Interests in Computer Science 5 Computer Science Innovations and Latest Trends 7 Modern-Day Myths about Computer Science: X Contraries to Them Hacker’s Ways of Working: Threat or Security? The Future of the Virtual Reality Technologies Programming Language Vs. Human Language: What Skill Is More Employable? The Timeline of Robotics: When Did It Start and When Will It Stop? How Much Supervision Do Computer Science Students Need? 10 Biggest Names in Computer Science: Who Can Impact the Industry: A Talented or Trained Person? Specified Type of Computer Science Essay Writing Under the broad umbrella term of computer science, there are many areas of specialization available to students pursuing computer science degrees. Below you’ll find a variety of narrow essay topics on Computer Science chosen according to the Stanford’s rating for the most popular Computer Science courses over the past 5 academic years: 7 Algorithmic Techniques: An Analysis of Computational Problems 5 Ways of Storing and Organizing Data in a Computer: What Is More Efficient? The Intelligence of Machines: What Branch of Computer Science Aims to Create It? The Vulnerability Analysis: 4 Potential Ways of Hacker Attack The Database Privacy and Security: Evaluating the Information Retrieval and Processing A Cryptographic Protocol as a Basis for Security of a System Software Engineering: 10 Fundamental Principles and Techniques 5 Categories Used for Classifying Computer Networks Computer Vision: From Object to Character Recognition Cloud Communications and Networking: Its Quality and Open Challenges. 5 Simple Steps from Our Writers of Successful Essay Writing on Computer Science After you know what to cover in computer science essays, you should familiarize with the ways of covering this or that topic. So, if you take into consideration a broad essay topic, you are supposed to show your personal attitude to the process of the computerization of the modern world, its effects on human life and achievements in the scientific area. In fact, a significant amount of research work, efforts, and writing techniques is expected of everyone who wants to write a high-quality computer science essay. If you follow X simple steps, you will find that your essay almost writes on its own. You are responsible only for applying essay ideas on paper. Get started. You should be focused enough on the ultimate result to write an A+ essay rather than to meet your instructor’s desire to see your paper. It is better to switch off your computer devices despite you’re going to write about them. Yes, it is a great technological advancement, but it can consume much your time. You can say this point while dealing with the topic ‘The Effects of the Computerization of Everyday Life: X Pros and Cons of This Process’. There is even a term ‘screen time’ when people talk about any time spent in front of an electronic device. So, if you realize the addiction to checking your e-mail or news feed on Facebook or Twitter, or playing games, get rid of all electronic devices around you for the moment. The device-related distraction won’t come in handy. Instead, site or app blocker extensions will be useful to you. Get prepared for essay writing. After nothing distracts you, you should prepare all the essentials of essay writing – a topic, an essay question, an outline, the reliable sources of information and an essay writing guide. For example, this article can be at hand as an excellent guide in your computer science essay writing. In general, keep in mind that essay writing basically comes down to 2 points: content and its formatting. To create a valuable content of your essay, gather and analyze the information with a proper way of formatting in APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian or Harvard styles. For example, at Library Learning Resources Division, you’ll find the reference resources, citing rules relevant for the Computer Science. Keep track of information. Essays are assigned not only with the aim to develop your writing skills, but also with the other aims. For example, you have a chance to show off how you are good at researching. Make sure you quote other people’s opinions, even if they differ, and refer to sources from which you can take the strong evidence on the topic you’re writing about. For that reason, you need to point out the central concepts of your computer science topic, its main points, and subpoints. Then, you can make some keyword queries in scientific bibliographies or electronic libraries like ACM, Elsevier, Springer, etc.) It is one of the best solutions to write down a source already in the correct citation format and the essential data for your essay. So, there won’t be the need to go back and look them up again later. Come up with the essay parts. One of the best recommendations from the experienced essay authors remain similar despite certain features of every separate text type – stick to a common essay structure. After thinking on a topic, finding the relevant information, forming an essay question, then a thesis statement of your future computer science paper, you should create a plan of this essay with the essential parts – introduction, body, and conclusion. Nothing additional should be added to your essay writing. Look at the following picture and keep in mind the tips in every part of an essay. Revise your computer science essay. You may be exhausted from the essay writing process. But you’ll be more worn-out when you submit your paper for a grade or for publication, and as a result, it won’t be accepted or will be returned to you. All your efforts were in vain. Want this outcome of your struggle with computer science essays? Then, take some time for close editing and proofreading. Even if you are sure about the organization of your essay, you may make some mechanical or typographical errors in spelling. Once again, return to the benefit of using a computer nowadays, especially for the benefit of your studies – you can make use of an online proofreading option. Correct all possible mistakes in sentence structure, word choice to strengthen the overall impression from the quality of your essay writing. 5 Essay Citing Guidelines In your computer science essay, you need to refer to some additional information about the issue under consideration. You’ve already known from what types of sources you can obtain it. However, you should know how to cite them properly to avoid any plagiarism scandal at college or university. The way in which you credit your information sources in an essay depends on the formatting style your professor requires APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian, etc. You can incorporate someone else’s work into your own in three ways – quoting, summarizing and paraphrasing; When you find a relevant source for your essay, keep in mind that you should cite the author(s), year of publication. The more information you’ll find about a source, the easier it will be to compile a reference list at the end of writing; All references are listed in alphabetical order based the first authors last name; Any quotation in your essay begins and ends with quotation marks; There are two types of citations in-text or parenthetical. Besides the correctness of formatting citations, you should strive for two goals in the use of quotations to achieve their efficiency in your work and add some grace to your thoughts. You should provide quotations referring to the particular context. Use quotations so that they fit the structure of your sentences by: leaving words out within an ellipsis; inserting words in square brackets; replacing words with others. Now, we can be at peace with ourselves as you have a complete computer science essay guide on how to write an A+ computer science essay. It is your turn to apply all the essential computer science essay tips given here. We’ll be glad to help you 24/7 whenever you need to have essays written as required by your instructor.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How The Relationship Between The Personal and The Political Treated in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath

How The Relationship Between The Personal and The Political Treated in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath Free Online Research Papers How The Relationship Between The Personal and The Political Treated in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath Identifying a single, stable relationship between the personal and political in the text is difficult as the forms of the political that the Joads encounter in the text are various and occasionally opposed to each other. Instead, the relationship is a more fluid thing, changing as the Joads move from an apolitical existence encountering various incarnations of the capitalist framework that dominates labour in the text, before finally encountering a kind of socialist, communal form of politics. Importantly, the relationship between the personal and the political is presented in the text as a new phenomenon. Michael Barry identifies a personal, agrarian, even apolitical existence before the Joads are forced to leave their land. An important part of this agrarianism is a deep-seated connection between the farmer and his land, and a distrust of incomprehensible institutions removed from that land. Because of this, the intrusion of cities, science, technology, administration and politics into the personal sphere of agrarian life is considered antithetical to the natural state of humanity that agrarianism holds to be desireable. Barry argues that the agrarian sensibility is highly attractive to Steinbeck (Barry, 109). Certainly, the distrust of administration is voiced early in the text through repeated references to Old Tom Joad’s aversion to writing: ‘He don’t even like word writin’. Kinda scares ’im, I guess. Ever’ time Pa seen writinà ¢â‚¬â„¢, somebody took somepin away from ’im’(Steinbeck, 57). The agrarian claim to property also seems to be presented as more authentic than the pieces of paper the men from the bank bring with them, Muley Graves says ‘place where folks live is them folks’ after he has been lying in his land on the bloodstained earth where his father was gored by a bull (Steinbeck, 49). This seems to be a greater claim than that of any bank. Are we then to assume that Steinbeck sees the apolitical agrarian existence as the ideal, with any relationship between political and personal being anathema to this greater state of human existence? Not necessarily. Reservations are present in the text pertaining to the land, even at this early stage. It is mentioned that Grampa took the land from the Indians, making the entire Joad family complicit in robbing the land from those with special ties to it. However, in balance this apolitical existence is presented in a largely favourable light, and it would not be such a leap to assume that any intrusion of abstract politics and administration would be undesirable and harmful to the personal existence in Steinbeck’s view. As soon as the Joads are forced from their land by the dustbowl upheaval a relationship is forged between personal and political, for better or for worst. The Joads are no longer in complete control of their own lives, and are forced under the influence of the unfettered capitalism of the market system. This is most obviously manifested in one of the cornerstones of the market system, competition. The abundance of labour means employers can sit and watch as workers undercut each other for wages until they become no more than a pittance. The Joads and others like them become slaves to this labour market, and the relationship between political and personal becomes one of total subordination. Even the manner in which the novel is structured, with its interplay between long, focussed chapters and shorter ‘wide angle’ shots emphasises the apparent insignificance and helplessness of the Joad family. This new relationship with the political causes a great deal of transformation to the personal spheres of the family. The severing of the agrarian sensibility mentioned earlier is evidently too much trauma for the older members of the family, the grandparents do not last long after they are wrenched from their land. Pa is another character who finds the new relationship difficult to manage. The patriarchy in evidence at the start of the novel is most in evidence at the family parliament called before the family pack up and move West. Grampa is the ‘titular head’, but those with real decision making power, the men, squat on the ground close to their land (again showing the agrarian sensibility), and the women who have only limited deliberation rights stand. However, the deprivation of Pa’s land by abstract political forces deprives him of his traditional labour and role in the family, and his authority is left deeply damaged (Motley, 402). From the moment Ma Joad s tands up to him with the crank handle, the strong patriarchal structure of the family begins to dissolve and Pa himself becomes less and less assertive. However, other transformations in the family are not quite so negative. While Pa’s position in the family is eroded, Ma Joad’s work in the family is left unchanged when the land is taken away. Pa’s tools are sold or left behind, Ma’s travel with the family – she remains a ‘citadel’, one that unlike the farm ‘cannot be taken’ (Steinbeck, 77), and increasingly Ma becomes a decision maker as well as remaining the centre of the family. Al also undergoes change in his character of a more positive nature. By being forced into a relationship with the political the Joad family has need of Al’s mechanical skills with the Hudson, and by being released from the family land Al is given a chance to mature in the text. By the end of the novel Al has a chance to begin his own family, something he might not have been able to do had the Joads not been driven off their land. However, it is significant that much of the change caused by their relationship with the political means the Joads are buying into the system that has ruined them. Al’s aptitude for mechanical work means he has in essence become part of the process of mechanisation that drove the family from their land in the first place. Tom also recognises the necessity of the writing that he distrusted at the start of the novel when he buries Grampa Joad with a note explaining his death. The personal is left to struggle to adapt to the political in the text, the relationship is very much a one-way deal. The market system exerts pressure on everyone who falls under its influence, there is little chance for the individual to play outside its rules, and while some like Al may bend and adapt to the new way of living, inevitably others like Grampa may be broken by it. This raises the question of whether the individual can ever determine his own fate given the overarching nature of the capitalist pressures in California, and the stakes involved, namely the survival of the family. One possible answer comes through the new brand of political activism advocated by the preacher Casy. Before ‘socialist’ politics in the text are discussed, one thing that should be addressed is that the word ‘socialism’ never actually appears in the text. Steinbeck remains true to the dialect of his characters, and so ideas that might be identified as socialist are discussed in more earthy, human terms. By using the Okie dialect the socialist political stance that permeates the text is expressed by reference to communal values and organised labour. References to a kind of socialist philosophy occur early in the text, at first haltingly: â€Å"‘I got to thinkin’ an’ dreamin’ an’ wonderin’. They say there’s a hun’erd thousand of us shoved out. If we was all mad the same way, Tommy- they wouldn’t hunt nobody down- † She stopped’ (Steinbeck, 79) and later, more explicitly: ‘Use’ ta be the fambly was fust. It ain’t so now. It’s anybody’ (Steinbeck, 443). These vague ideas of community standing together crystallise into activism with the re-emergence of Casy, who leads the pickers’ strike. The preacher argues that they will never advance themselves being focussed on just the present, even though it might mean they can eat meat for a day or so. The only way they can ‘depen’ on their meat’ is through collective action, and that is the only way things can be changed for the better rather than strugglin g to survive with what the market system dictates they should have (Steinbeck 403). This relationship with a new kind of political system is not without its problems. Unlike the relationship with capitalism which smothers and controls its subjects without choice, socialism must be adopted willingly and involves sacrifice, and it soon becomes clear the Joads are not ideal socialist material. At several points it is clear that the individualistic nature of the Joads blinds them to the power of collective action. Their initial eviction from their land can be taken as an example. Grampa Joad faces down the tractor defiantly with his rifle, but when their house is smashed the family move on to find themselves more land, seemingly unaware of the similar situation of thousands of other families. The tension is heightened for the reader as the chapters focussing on one individual family, the Joads, are alternated with chapters that show identical situations that confront families across the dustbowl (Motley 409). While initially not perfect subjects for this communal philosophy, the ordeals and changes the Joads suffer at the hands of the capitalist framework of California mean that they become more open to Casy’s views. Pa Joad, whose traditional labour has been disrupted and his authority dissolved, undergoes a kind of reinvigoration as he is building the dike, arguing that without cooperation they will all suffer. Ma Joad’s assertion that once it was the family was ‘fust’ eventually changes as well as she sacrifices the unity of the family for a greater unity that encompasses ‘anybody’ in the same situation. It is consistent in the text that competition (read unfettered capitalism) is the source of most of the ills of the Joad family, and community is what saves them Once the relationship is established, it is not unproblematic. The paradox of the situation is that although Steinbeck’s socialism is an altogether more personal form of politics, for the personal to articulate itself against the political force of capitalism individuality must be sacrificed in the greater community. Given this fact, together with the assumption that the agrarian distrust of institutions removed from the soil must also extend to trade unions and organised labour, are we to believe the relationship with socialism is any better than the relationship with capitalism? Steinbeck’s heavy use of saviour imagery with regard to Casy certainly seems to lend credibility to his rhetoric. For example, his incarceration was the result of sacrificing himself for another’s actions, and his death scene draws strong parallels with the crucifixion. The repeated ‘You don’ know what you’re a-doin’ (Steinbeck, 404) is almost a direct lift from the biblical ‘forgive them Lord, they know not what they do’, and even after his death Tom says (after his ‘conversion’ to socialism) ‘seems like I can see him sometimes’ (Steinbeck 439). This strong Christ-like imagery seems to legitimise Casy’s message, particularly since some of his socialist rhetoric is lifted from religious texts, that one man alone is no good, two are better than one as they can support each other, and that ‘a three-fold cord is not easily broken’(Steinbeck 438). However, the positive nature of socialism should not be overstated. The market system enveloped the Joads’ life and gave them no choice in their participation in a relationship with it, they had to buy into the system or perish. Unfortunately, socialism seems not too different. The impetus behind Steinbeck’s socialism is not one of high-minded left wing intellectualism, it is the impetus of need, and without banding together the personal will not survive the unprotected relationship with the capitalism, and is instead forced to forge a relationship with socialism to get enough food to live (Barry 111). This leads to a most important point in the discussion of the personal’s relationship with the political. It seems that Steinbeck’s ideal mode of existence is an apolitical one, and that any relationship with the political will only harm the personal. At best socialism offers a glimmer of hope against the tyrannical market system, but the damage has already been done, the farmers have been torn from their land never to return. I believe this conclusion is supported by the ending of the novel. Chametzsky believes the ending provides some sort of insight into Steinbeck’s own politics, and I agree (Chametzsky, 39). The book could have ended in the government camp, affirming the New Deal, or could have ended with either Pa Joad building the dike or Tom Joad vowing to join the workers movement, both of which would have affirmed a proletarian, socialist theme. Instead it ends in a barn, seemingly with no political slant whatsoever. Chametzsky calls the ending an Ã¢â‚¬Ë œevasion’ of stance, but an honest evasion (43). I do not believe it to be so much of an evasion, instead it seems to fit with Steinbeck’s strong sense of agrarian sensibility and his rejection of the intrusion of any form of politics to the personal. In an ideal world no relationship with the political would exist, and with regard to socialism, the best it can be is a necessary evil. Bibliography Barry, Michael G. ‘Degrees of Mediation and Their Political Value in Steinbeck’s â€Å"Grapes of Wrath†.’ The Steinbeck Question: New Essays in Criticism. Ed. Noble, Donald R. Troy, N.Y.: Whitson, (1993): 108-24 Benson, Jackson J. ‘Through a Political Glass, Darkly: The Example of John Steinbeck.’ Studies in American Fiction. 12.1 (1984): 45-59 Chametzsky, Jules. ‘The Ambivalent Ending of The Grapes of Wrath.’ Modern Fiction Studies. 11.1 (1965): 34-44 Foley, Barbara. Radical Representations: Politics and Form in U.S. Proletarian Fiction, 1929-1941. Durham: Duke University Press, 1993 Motley, Warren. ‘From Patriarchy to Matriarchy: Ma Joad’s Role in The Grapes of Wrath.’ American Literature. 54.3 (1982): 397-413 Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath. London: Penguin Books Ltd, 2000 Research Papers on How The Relationship Between The Personal and The Political Treated in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of WrathComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThree Concepts of PsychodynamicAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 Europe19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBringing Democracy to AfricaWhere Wild and West MeetUnreasonable Searches and Seizures

Sunday, October 20, 2019

1800s Social Work Essays

1800s Social Work Essays 1800s Social Work Essay 1800s Social Work Essay Nineteenth century America was a time of urbanization, industrialization, immigration, overcrowding and as a result, poverty. During this time, social policy was relatively non-existent and financial assistance was the sole responsibility of private or public charities. Women did not have rights or economic independence, as they were typically considered the property of their husbands. During this time, a woman with three children who was abandoned by her husband would receive little or no financial assistance; she may fall under the category of the â€Å"unworthy† poor, as she was not a widow, elderly or physically disabled. The assistance of this women may have changed from the early to late nineteenth century, as feminists such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton began to advocate for social reform, and others such as Jane Adams became concerned with the social well being of women. From the beginning to late 1800’s some social reform took place and the federal government began to implement various programs and institutions to assist in the financial well being of the poor. Early 1800’s During the early 1800’s, there weren’t any significant federal programs aimed at assisting the poor. Financial aid was allocated as the responsibility of the local community, local government, or religious charity. People were expected to work and take care of their families unless they were elderly, sick or widowed; these were labeled the â€Å"worthy† poor in need of assistance. Women were the â€Å"property† if their husbands and typically performed work inside of the home to contribute to the financial well being of the family. They were responsible for the production of cloth, clothing and shoes. Additionally, there weren’t any limitations on the working hours, wages or conditions for women and children. During this time, a mother of three abandoned by her husband would have received little or no assistance. She would not fall under the classification of the â€Å"worthy† poor, as she was not a widow, elderly or sick. It is possible that her or her children would work in mills under dangerous conditions and long hours, if her children were over the age of three; child labor was prevalent during this time period. If a white woman was unable to financially support her children, they may become apprentices to families who can support them. This served as an educational opportunity for children to learn a trade. Collectively, an able bodied poor person, such as an abandoned woman was deemed â€Å"lazy and sinful† and may have been sent to a workhouse through enforced labor. As the nineteenth century progressed, industrialization spurred the continued migration to urban cities in search of training and work; this led to overcrowding and poverty. Poverty was primarily blamed on the individual. If a woman with three children needed assistance, any community organizations of the time would assume that the problem was intra-psychic and there was a moral deficiency. To address this concern, middle class reformers felt that the betterment of cities could be achieved through moral reconstitution of individuals and families. Several â€Å"moral building† organizations were created; the New York Association for Improving the conditions of the Poor was established in 1843. Male volunteers would offer religious teachings, work to get the poor to abstain from alcohol, become more self-disciplined and acquire the Protestant Work Ethic. As a result, a woman abandoned by her husband would receive moral teachings in her home rather than any financial assistance. Mid 1800’s Towards the 1840’s, advocates of social reform began to voice their concerns regarding poverty. Dorothea Dix spoke of the need for separate facilities for adult offenders, juveniles and the mentally ill. She also suggested that the Federal government be responsible for the mentally ill and provide them with treatment through hospitalization. In 1845, the first state asylum for the mentally ill was established in Trenton New Jersey. In 1848 she proposed that the federal government give financial assistance to states to build hospitals for the mentally ill and the legislation was passed. However, in 1854 the legislation was vetoed and welfare responsibility was returned to the states. Also in 1848, feminists such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton convened at the Seneca Falls Convention to declare a goal of equal rights and opportunity in education, employment and legal rights. This would challenge the limited opportunities that existed for an abandoned mother of three. She would have been limited in her education, employment opportunities and political standing. Towards the middle of the century, education increased and the views regarding children’s needs began to change. In an effort to provide education and shelter to needy children, Charles Loring Brace founded the Children’s Aid Society in 1853 New York. He felt that the urban environment was dangerous to children due to crime and delinquency. This organization could have given devastating consequences to an abandoned woman with three children because it was the elementary form of modern foster care. The Children’s Aid Society would remove children from families who could not provide â€Å"proper care† for their children. They would then transport these children to families in rural areas in an effort to provide opportunities in a new, â€Å"safer† environment. A woman deserted by her husband could have very easily been considered and unfit parent, as she requested financial assistance from her counterparts. During this time period, she would be in danger of having her children taken from her care and given to an unfamiliar family where she would no longer be able to contact them. The Children’s Aid Society transported over 50,000 children in a period of 25 years; these children typically became runaways. In 1864, Frederic Le Play completed the first scientific study of poverty; he investigated its causes, consequences and possible solutions. This study may have provided evidence that poverty is not the sole blame of the individual. After the time of the Civil War, 1861-65, the political climate called for a need of health services for the wounded soldiers, as well as the families of the deceased. Many slaves were freed but lacked any education, health care or employment opportunities. Due to this deficiency, the federal government began to take responsibility for the people. In 1865, the Freedman’s Bureau was established; it was the first federal welfare agency and provided health care, education, housing for the freed slaves. In1872, the Bureau ended because the Federal government did not want to facilitate welfare. Late 1800’s Towards the late nineteenth century, ideas of Social Darwinism began to influence society. It was believed those able to work would thrive and live successfully whereas those who weren’t would fail and perish; it was survival of the fittest and intervention for the poor was felt to go against nature. For this reason, financial assistance was not provided to the needy. Middle class reformers continued to assume individual flaws caused poverty. Lack of morals continued to be blamed for the conditions of the poor. However, people began to understand that certain environmental factors were responsible as well and felt that the poor needed some guidance. In 1877, Reverend Steven Gurteen established the first Charity Organization Society in Buffalo, NY, in an effort to serve as an organizing body for all private charities. This organization developed a list of the poor served in their communities so that each person would be limited to services from one charity. In this case, the woman with three children would not be able to reach out to more than one private charity, as her services were recorded. This woman would receive services from the â€Å"friendly visitor†. This was typically a middle-class female volunteer who would visit the home to investigate the living conditions and reasons for poverty. The â€Å"friendly visitor† would come to the home of the woman, inquire about the reasons for which her husband deserted her and teach her about the moral values of the middle class. The goal was to â€Å"fix† the immoral environment so that the woman would be able to uplift herself from circumstance and become able to adequately care for her home and children. She would be given advice on how to correct her problems. Additionally, they would record information about the woman and return it to their agency to better understand life in the slum. The â€Å"friendly visitors† seldom had knowledge or experience with the poor, which caused a huge, disconnect between them and their clients; often the clients suffered from decreased self-esteem. By 1890, there were 4,000 practicing â€Å"friendly visitors†. The recording practices of the visitors led to a better understanding of poverty and its causes. It became understood that the sole responsibility does not fall on the individual. By the end of the 19th century, immigration increased and overcrowding was at its peak. There was a deficit in housing and education. In response, the first settlement house, the Neighborhood Guild, was opened in New York in 1886. In 1889, Jane Adams and Ellen Gates Starr opened the most influential settlement house, known as Hull House. This would have been the first helpful opportunity presented to a mother of three who was deserted by her husband. At Hull House, she would be given a home to live in without the cost of rent. The residents at Hull House were primarily women and immigrants. â€Å"In 1891, Florence Kelley Wischnewetzky was fleeing from her husband and seeking refuge for herself and her three children, ages six, five, and four. ‘We were welcomed as though we had been invited,’ she wrote thirty-five years later in her memoirs†¦Jane Adams supplied Kelley with room, board and employment. † Hull house provided families with daycare and kindergarten services, education and training for residents, culture nights to become familiar with various cultures, a library and entertainment. Additionally, women in settlement houses worked to advocate for housing, public health care and improved working conditions for men, women and children. The Hull House residents conducted campaigns, which led to the passing of legislature, which mandated an eight-hour workday for women and children in Illinois. As knowledge of the poor grew through work in the settlement houses and friendly visitors, a growing need for a formal education was presented. In 1898 the first school for social workers was established, The New York School of Philanthropy (Columbia University). Conclusion In the 1800s, a woman with three children deserted by her husband would have faced many hardships in obtaining any financial assistance. Social welfare and charity were the responsibility of the community and the needy were distinguished based on their â€Å"worthiness†. Able-bodied unemployed people were considered unworthy and sinful. For this reason, moral teaching was the primary means of relief. However, as the 19th century progressed and urbanization led to an increase in poverty, social reformers such as Jane Addams began to take notice and advocated for the need to assist immigrants in obtaining housing, heath care, and employment. Throughout the century, the federal government assumed some responsibility for the welfare of the people, as in the Freedman’s Bureau but would abruptly re-delegate the responsibility to the states. However, the creation of the Charity Organization Society demonstrated that social welfare relief was evolving to become an increasingly centralized institution. The 1890’s settlement movement would be the first major form of assistance for a deserted mother of three, where she would be able to obtain much needed services for her and her children.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Wonders Of Golf Good And Bad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Wonders Of Golf Good And Bad - Essay Example Golf is gaining in popularity a lot these days. With players like Tiger Woods and Tom Watson in the professional league earning millions of dollars and making golf gain immense recognition, the game has attracted many new comers from through out the world. Golf also has a lot of other advantages over other sports: Another plus point about this game for newcomers is that they do need partners to play with them. It can be played by a single individual. And unlike other sports such as football and tennis, there is also no upper limit on the number of players that can play at a time. For those people who need exercise but are limited by physical potential to play sports like tennis and squash can play golf. These people usually include middle aged and older men and women. Playing golf does not only provide for them good entertainment for passing time, it also provides to them physical exercise in the natural, outside as they have to walk at least a couple of miles all in the name of fun. Even though golf is gaining popularity through out the world, there still remain people who do not like the idea of a sport that does not demand much from its players physically. There still remains a crowd that believes that this game is more suited for older people than young athletes. The same points that go in favor of the game can be manipulated to go against it too. Young athletes who are attracted to this game must take into consideration that more aggressive games like tennis, squash, basketball etc. are more likely to keep them fit both physically and mentally. Another very important concern related to golf is its environmental impact. The construction and maintenance of the golf courses is very costly and uses up thousands of gallons of water and in today's world where there is scarcity of a resource like water, it is quite shocking. Conclusion There are many wonderful things about golf. It's nice being outdoors playing a relatively peaceful game in the open, under the sky, with the trees and beautiful scenery around. But it is clear that when it comes to physical exertion and fitness, the game does not have much to offer compared to the other games. Ultimately then, it depends on the player who has to make the choice between the different sports available to him and whether he chooses golf as a sport for himself or not, depends on his preferences. Works Cited 1) Adler, Ben. "The case against golf." 14 june 2007. 26 may 2008 . 2) NYTimes. "Golf is growing in favor." 4 october 1891. 26 may 2008 . 3) Jean Wyrics. Steps to Writing Well. 6th Edition, isbn#1-4130-0109-2.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Ethical Leadership and Decision Making Research Paper

Ethical Leadership and Decision Making - Research Paper Example Moreover, based on the accepted fact that success is not the final outcome of every attempt, it is the leader who ensures rescuing people from de-motivation rising from failure that most stands apart from the rest. The report herein develops an assessment of a leader that has served as a mentor to give meaning and understanding of effective leadership.   During work experience in the Army, Major General (Ret.) Charles McCartney’s the leadership style influenced me greatly. McCartney well understood the privilege of leadership being responsibility with visionary collaboration and teamwork to gain an overall level of success. Thereby, this report develops an assessment on Major General (Ret.) Charles McCartney’s various dimensions of leadership and will provide the review of the fact that successful leadership assumes all capabilities to lead its people to succeed as a combined goal. Management science has undertaken the considerable assessment of the leaders from vario us dimensions; for instance Behavioral factors, Transformational, Situational, Trait, Charisma along with the power and influence etc. Moreover, it is based on the early assumption that leaders are born and not made; however, contemporary theories assert that effective leader offers apart from direction to success also offer great learning opportunities (Browne & Keeley, 2012). These learning opportunities are presented as two types of leaders as mentioned below: (Northouse, 2007) Hence, leadership can be learned as well. In this, one can see that trait, skills and values from McCartney’s style offer the reader a great chance to learn. The distinctive formats of the transformational or transactional leadership complimented with the power available to a given leader all work to facilitate the outcome from the leader. Broadly, leaders that are ultimately effective in leadership have to account for an optimum mix of three main factors (Barton, Grant, & Horn, 2012): Decision maki ng styles mix Day to day behavior Transformational and transactional leadership style It is worthy of mention, due to the fact that each dimension mentioned above has its own variation to offer and effective leaders formulate the mix of each dimension’s offering suiting to the need of the situation and in the overall best interest of follower; though this may not be suiting to the need of the certain people. Hence, the effective leadership is also one to constantly learn and evolve from the challenges with the passion for success by adapting to the need for an hour.   For assessing Major General (Ret.) Charles McCartney with respect to his alignment with the leadership’s dimension, the below roadmap will offer an effective guide in understanding such nuances: (Colquitt, Lepine, & Wesson, 2012)  Ã‚  Decision Making Styles Leader’s decisions ultimately decide the fate of the follower. Moreover, the fact that makes the decision making more crucial for the leade rs, especially in a critical situation where chances of loss equally exist, comes to even more prominence.  Ã‚  

Financial impact on universal healthcare in the U.S Essay

Financial impact on universal healthcare in the U.S - Essay Example An interdisciplinary perspective is advocated in the modern healthcare provision, which encompasses more responsibilities. With the recent developments in the interactions that healthcare providers have with drug suppliers, financial and accounting regulations have been given emphasis than ever before. In what has evolved to be commonly known as Physicians-Industry Relations, it is clear that there are a number of risks that the healthcare practitioners might be exposed to regarding dealing with the pharmacy industry. In terms of the two industries interactions, it has been observed that several financial flaws have been happening in several healthcare settings. As a result, serious accounting and audit flaws that consequently emanate from the malpractice compromise the integrity of the healthcare professionals. Generally, the procurement of drugs for use in the healthcare facilities is conducted depending on the availability of the drugs as offered by pharmaceutical companies. Competition among drugs supplying companies has led to an environment where drugs salespeople and medical representatives for other pharmaceutical products are deployed to woo clients from the healthcare environment. In a competitive market, unfair business deals always find their way into the market in an attempt to keep off competitors. Among the major unprofessional practices that such deals apply is the bargaining element that forces salesmen to supply products at the expense of business fairness regulations. Supply of substandard healthcare products is often embarked on in order to win sales, which compromises the level of healthcare service delivered by healthcare professionals. It therefore implies that colluding is almost impossible to be avoided by healthcare facility management in order to benefit in certai n ways. Due to certain conflicts of interests between the suppliers and the healthcare professionals, loopholes in internal control standards

President Obama's Health Care Bill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

President Obama's Health Care Bill - Essay Example The essay discusses on the effect that Obama Health Care has had on the lives of America’s citizens more than four years since its inception. In 2010, President Obama enacted into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The ACA is, therefore, largely designed to cater for the less attended non-employer insurance market and enlarge health insurance coverage as a result. The Act also targets to raise revenue from several taxation avenues. The healthcare sector is predicted to undergo a dramatic makeover in the near future if the ACA is fully implemented. The researcher of this essay also looks forward at the future of the healthcare in regard to the influence of ACA. The Act that is presented in the essay in details mandates that American residents have insurance coverage and also calls for a reduced and reorganized spending under the largest health insurance plan in America. The discussion will also focus on other issues such as the effect of the law on the economy, who pays for the plan and who the law affects most. The researcher concluds that despite everything the ACA is a phenomenal piece of legislation that is expected to reform the United States health care industry if fully implemented. It is still quite early to notice or predict its exact measure of impacts that may follow, but it is certain for the researcher that the future looks bright for America Health Care sector. The major uncertainty, however, still lies on how far the ACA will go in slowing down the growth of health care costs.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Health care for undocumented immigrants Research Paper

Health care for undocumented immigrants - Research Paper Example In some free markets, even the health care is left to market participations and in some cases it is left to the central government. However almost all countries follow the World Health Organization guidelines, which is a health care system designed with a system that is impeccable and provides flawless information on which other countries can base their policies and decisions on. (Hunnicutt, 2010) Since economy is one of the factors that determine the amount spent on healthcare, it is only plausible that it affects the economy as well. It contributes to the GDP of the country and most developed nations seem to spend a great deal more than developing countries such as US, Switzerland and France. Since it is related to the well-being of people, it is an important issue, and especially in undocumented immigrants who migrate into a country and have the same needs but may not be getting healthcare; especially the undocumented ones. Small pox as a disease was eradicated by World Health Org anization in 1980 and this is the power of health care systems if they were only provided to undocumented immigrants. ... stay back even after their visa expires and they need to return. 37 million of these undocumented immigrants were living in the US in 2006. They came from Mexico, Philippines, Brazil, Ecuador and other places from all over the world. They now form an essential part of the country, around 13%. Some immigrants come legally and even though many of them are undocumented, there can be no estimation of how many they are. Some studies show that the percentage of illegal immigrants has decreased over the years. They usually lack health benefits such as public health insurance. The reason why many of these people migrate is because US demands workers which they see as an opportunity. And they accept lower wages and take service jobs that do not pay health insurance. They also face barriers in receiving any health benefits. In 1996, most of them were not eligible for Medicaid till they completed residency of five years in the US. Then they became rightful owners of the services provided by Med icaid. However, for undocumented immigrants this offer doesn’t stand, no matter how many years they have stayed in the US. (Chavez, 1992) Therefore about 60% of immigrants will not have any options for receiving health benefits. They only rely on small facilities like clinics but they seem to be limited both in terms of expertise and their amounts in rural as well urban areas as compared to the number of immigrants that are invading the country. They are becoming unable to provide health care and therefore these citizens receive less primary care than the citizens. However, they add a great deal to the countries overall costs. (Fernandez, Robinson, & Division., 1994) Objective In United States, undocumented

Charles Schwab, Company Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Charles Schwab, Company Summary - Essay Example Appendix A shows a graph that illustrates the price movement of the stock during the past year. The stock a year ago was price at $13.86. The price of the firm climbed for six months and then it started a downward spiral to reach the current price of $11.54. The graph that illustrates the movement of the SCHW common stock looks similar to the graph of the normal distribution function. The founder and chairman of the company is Charles Schwab. Walt Bettinger is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the company. The enterprise has 13,200 employees worldwide. The corporate headquarters of the company are located in San Francisco. â€Å"Schwab also operates 302 domestic branch offices in  45 states, one branch in  Puerto Rico and one branch in London. Hong Kong clients are served through a Schwab subsidiary† (Aboutschwab). The quality of the human resources of the firm has been a critical success factor that has helped the company achieved tremendous growth during the past 40 y ears. The mission statement of Charles Schwab is to empower individual investors to take control of their financial lives free form the high costs and conflict of traditional brokerage firms (Blogspot). The financial service industry is a multi-trillion dollar industry. The top three stock exchanges in the United States: NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ moved 3899 million shares in 2010 (Plunkett Research). Charles Schwab is a major player in the brokerage industry. The company generated $4.2 billion in revenues in fiscal year 2010. The revenues of the company were 1% higher than in 2009. The firm has a total of 8 million client accounts. The client accounts of Charles Schwab have grown by 14.28% in comparison with 2007. The net income of the firm was $454 million. The net margin of the firm was 10.80%. The net margin is the firm was better than the industry average. The industry standard net margin is 5.8% (Dun & Bradstreet). The earnings per share (EPS) of Charles Schwab in 2010 was $0.38. The EPS is a metric that tends to influence the market price of the common stock. The return on assets (ROA) of the firm was 0.49%. The ROA industry average is 1.7% (Dun & Bradstreet). Return on assets measures how effective a company has been at generating net profits with its assets. The ROA of Charles Schwab in 2010 was 1.2% below the industry average. The return on equity (ROE) metric measures how effective a company has been at generating profits from its equity. The ROE of the company was 7.29%. The industry standard ROE is 12.3% (Dun & Bradstreet). The price earnings ratio (P/E) of the company on December 30, 2010 was 45.13. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the market share price by the earnings per share. The price earnings ratio shows whether a stock is relatively cheap or relatively expensive in comparison to its current earnings. There are several competitors that compete directly with Charles Schwab. Five of the top competitors Schwab faces in the marketplace are Merrill Lynch, Scottrade, Morgan Stanley, Ameritrade and ING. One of the things that set apart Charles Schwab from the competition is its brand value. The tremendous brand value of the firm has helped the company maintain high gross margins by charging $29.95 per trade. A lot of online traders receive revenues below $10 a trade. For instance Scottrade charges its customers $7 a trade. Charles Schwab i

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

President Obama's Health Care Bill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

President Obama's Health Care Bill - Essay Example The essay discusses on the effect that Obama Health Care has had on the lives of America’s citizens more than four years since its inception. In 2010, President Obama enacted into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The ACA is, therefore, largely designed to cater for the less attended non-employer insurance market and enlarge health insurance coverage as a result. The Act also targets to raise revenue from several taxation avenues. The healthcare sector is predicted to undergo a dramatic makeover in the near future if the ACA is fully implemented. The researcher of this essay also looks forward at the future of the healthcare in regard to the influence of ACA. The Act that is presented in the essay in details mandates that American residents have insurance coverage and also calls for a reduced and reorganized spending under the largest health insurance plan in America. The discussion will also focus on other issues such as the effect of the law on the economy, who pays for the plan and who the law affects most. The researcher concluds that despite everything the ACA is a phenomenal piece of legislation that is expected to reform the United States health care industry if fully implemented. It is still quite early to notice or predict its exact measure of impacts that may follow, but it is certain for the researcher that the future looks bright for America Health Care sector. The major uncertainty, however, still lies on how far the ACA will go in slowing down the growth of health care costs.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Charles Schwab, Company Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Charles Schwab, Company Summary - Essay Example Appendix A shows a graph that illustrates the price movement of the stock during the past year. The stock a year ago was price at $13.86. The price of the firm climbed for six months and then it started a downward spiral to reach the current price of $11.54. The graph that illustrates the movement of the SCHW common stock looks similar to the graph of the normal distribution function. The founder and chairman of the company is Charles Schwab. Walt Bettinger is the chief executive officer (CEO) of the company. The enterprise has 13,200 employees worldwide. The corporate headquarters of the company are located in San Francisco. â€Å"Schwab also operates 302 domestic branch offices in  45 states, one branch in  Puerto Rico and one branch in London. Hong Kong clients are served through a Schwab subsidiary† (Aboutschwab). The quality of the human resources of the firm has been a critical success factor that has helped the company achieved tremendous growth during the past 40 y ears. The mission statement of Charles Schwab is to empower individual investors to take control of their financial lives free form the high costs and conflict of traditional brokerage firms (Blogspot). The financial service industry is a multi-trillion dollar industry. The top three stock exchanges in the United States: NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ moved 3899 million shares in 2010 (Plunkett Research). Charles Schwab is a major player in the brokerage industry. The company generated $4.2 billion in revenues in fiscal year 2010. The revenues of the company were 1% higher than in 2009. The firm has a total of 8 million client accounts. The client accounts of Charles Schwab have grown by 14.28% in comparison with 2007. The net income of the firm was $454 million. The net margin of the firm was 10.80%. The net margin is the firm was better than the industry average. The industry standard net margin is 5.8% (Dun & Bradstreet). The earnings per share (EPS) of Charles Schwab in 2010 was $0.38. The EPS is a metric that tends to influence the market price of the common stock. The return on assets (ROA) of the firm was 0.49%. The ROA industry average is 1.7% (Dun & Bradstreet). Return on assets measures how effective a company has been at generating net profits with its assets. The ROA of Charles Schwab in 2010 was 1.2% below the industry average. The return on equity (ROE) metric measures how effective a company has been at generating profits from its equity. The ROE of the company was 7.29%. The industry standard ROE is 12.3% (Dun & Bradstreet). The price earnings ratio (P/E) of the company on December 30, 2010 was 45.13. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the market share price by the earnings per share. The price earnings ratio shows whether a stock is relatively cheap or relatively expensive in comparison to its current earnings. There are several competitors that compete directly with Charles Schwab. Five of the top competitors Schwab faces in the marketplace are Merrill Lynch, Scottrade, Morgan Stanley, Ameritrade and ING. One of the things that set apart Charles Schwab from the competition is its brand value. The tremendous brand value of the firm has helped the company maintain high gross margins by charging $29.95 per trade. A lot of online traders receive revenues below $10 a trade. For instance Scottrade charges its customers $7 a trade. Charles Schwab i

Research Method for Computing & Technology Essay Example for Free

Research Method for Computing Technology Essay 2.0 Introduction Nowadays, people prefer to look information online instead of looking at catalogue or books. For example, woman would prefer to look for sales event online instead of looking at the catalogue that delivers to the house. Not all of the household will get the mails for promotion of the month because some postman will throw the mails away as these cases had already happened according to The Star news on Sunday, 21st of July 2013. This website is proposed for user to shop and enjoy shopping easily. The main purpose of this website is to provide the information of the malls in Malaysia. The information includes sales event, performance organize by third party or particular mall, the mall map etc. There are few similar websites like , and These websites only show either their own particular mall information only or sales promotion only. This website is a combine and improve version of these existing websites as there are many improvements are needed for it. Besides, it will include social function like allowing user to post comment or sharing status by using Facebook account at the sales event area so that others can read and up to date anytime instead of go to the location personally to check out the event as not people now spend most of the time working and rest at home after that. Other than that, user can check out the mall map as well so they could able to know whether the store they looking for exist in the mall. The details of the store include the location of the store in the mall, store’s telephone number and brief explanation of the store. The picture of the store entrance and the shop sign will be provided too. In conclusion, this website will act as a shopping and event guide that allow shoppers to shop smart and save on time. 3.0 Project Background I got this idea to create the website while I am looking for promotion online. There are many similar websites but the information are not complete. One of the example is user cannot post comment for the particular event which I always wanted to know what is going on the event or how is the  atmosphere there. I always hope that there is a photo sharing function under the event post. This proposed system is created for user to shop easily and hunt for sales event easily. Many people do not know when the sales will be but once they browse this website, they could easily get the information they want. As well as they have some inquiry about products or others, they may just give them a call by searching the phone number from the website. This proposed website basically act as a shopping guide for user by showing all the related information. There are some difficulties while deciding the structure of the proposed website. My idea was providing information but I was told that my course is Web Media Technology. Hence, I should include multimedia or social network. Then, I have change my idea from only information to posting up event poster, flash banner etc. User can as well as connect with Facebook and post comment at certain area. 4.0 Problem Statement The common problems that faced by shoppers are where is the location, what is the operating hours, how is the atmosphere there, what promotion is going on etc. They will spend some time to search for the information and reconsider whether it is worth to go. 4.1 Problem Description This proposed website will include information that is needed by shoppers. For instance, shopper might take some time to walk around the mall when they are not familiar with it. With this website, it could become a guide for them so they do not need to waste time walking around the mall and might end up with nothing. Besides, the information like telephone number is useful too. Shoppers do not need to worry when they face any problems about the stuffs they bought. They can just call to the store for inquiry just by only browsing this website. 5.0 Project Aim To provide users every useful information in malls. 6.0 Objective To allow users to look for the information in each mall within Malaysia. To help users to save time on shopping and shop smartly. To give more information on the events which will hold in the mall. To share the tips about the event which is going on. To provide the floor plan to user and assist them to shop. 7.0 Research Question 1. How social networks are useful for website? 2. What kind of information will be show in website? 3. What are the guidelines to help shoppers to shop easily? 4. Can the store’s telephone number be found on other websites? 5. Which methodology is suitable for this proposed project? 6. How long will it takes to develop this website? 7. Which software tools are needed to develop this website? 8. What are the functions of the software? 8.0 Project Development Plan 8.1 Domain Design The major information of my project is about shopping malls in Malaysia while the minor area is allowing social network user to post comment for the event, which will be showed if there is. My targeted domains for this project are local residents, travellers and shopaholics. One of the similar website is One Stop Malaysia. This website contains most of the information of Malaysia which are like foods, education, travel guide etc. For instance, their travel guide blog post allows visitor to post comment. The comment area is embedded with Blogspot while for my project, I will allow Facebook user to connect for posting comment so that they do not need to create account or fill in their particular details just to post a comment. To sum up this, my project contains most of the shopping information such  as malls location, sales event, performance event and so on. Visitors can post comment for the sales event. Therefore, the others can take the comment as reference. Comment like â€Å"left only big sizes† might help those who are petites, so they do not need to waste time and petrol to head over the sales event location after their working hours. This feature is specially made for visitor to share their experience or status about their shopping trip. Visitors can also share the useful tips at the comment area. Other than that, visitors also can have other information from the website such as the malls information. For example, visitor can look for the particular store location from the website. It will show the exact floor and the store telephone number as these information cannot be easily search. 8.2 Technical Design Now days, there are a lot of software development methodology such as SDLC (system development life cycle), Rapid Application Development (RAD), Agile Methodology and others. I will choose Prototyping Methodology for this project as Prototyping has more benefits for a web-based system as it is more suitable for system develop by website. Prototyping methodology is usually used for system that tends to be modified during the development of the system. By using this type of methodology, the development of it will definitely get a higher user satisfaction results because the errors are fixed when it is found during the development process. This action can actually lower down the percentage risk of failure. This methodology required to collect feedbacks from user. This could exposes developers to potential future system enhancements because they know and gained the problems feedbacks as well as bad comment. Next, the tools that I will be using for development of this project are Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash and Adobe Photoshop. All this software functions are taught by my lecturers. Therefore, I am familiar with the functions and feature from the software. I will be coding and designing the layout of the project by using Adobe Dreamweaver. It is a website development tools which has most of the features. While Adobe Photoshop is an editing software for photos and pictures. I will be using it for Posters  editing. Last but not least, Adobe Flash is for creating the banners for advertisement or greetings. I will be using it to make my project more interesting. 9.0 Data Collection Plan 9.1 Primary Data Collection Focus group would be good for carrying out the primary data collection for user requirement of the website. This technique requires a group of people that met the requirement and fulfill the criteria which is related to shopping in order to carry out a good research. These participants are required to spend some time for a short survey. This is to find out what real consumers think and what they feel according to the questions asked. After that, participants will gather around the table and start discussing some topics and provide a range or views. Participants should express their own emotions and feelings honestly and openly as the answers are all private and kept confidential. Next, the questionnaire is also an ideal technique to perform quantitative and qualitative research. This is an inexpensive way as it does not cost too much and it saves a lot of time. The questionnaires can be distribute at shopping malls and collect from shoppers after they are done for it. By showing the appreciation, a small gift like discount vouchers could be given to the shoppers and it is also a way to attract shoppers to do the questionnaire. Focus Group Discussion 1. What function do you need in malls guide and promotion website? Explain why do you need that? 2. If this website is build, how often will you browse it? 3. What kind of information do you wish to see in this website? 4. Which is your ideal similar website now? Explain why? 9.2 Secondary Data Collection There are few sources for secondary data like books, journals, website, newspaper etc. People now do more reading on internet as most of the  information can search through there. Researcher can actually read or reference the work in website to get some inspiration there. Example websites are, and etc. 10.0 Personal Reflection Limitations and challenges are the problems that researcher will meet during the development. Researcher has not much knowledge on building a functional website. Thus, this will be affecting process. Researcher has to look and understand the coding from websites or other projects that are done by expertise, as the information could be helpful. Studying the code and understanding them has become a challenge for me in order to complete the proposed system because I have not done any website which is linked to social networks like Facebook and Twitter. This feature requires special coding to embed them to the website. I will have to reference the other websites that has similar function. Lastly, different browsers like Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, Opera and others have their own technical issues and structures when browsing websites. This will take some time to test the proposed website in each browser and check the problems occur. As mentioned, there are many different browsers but Google Chrome is the most common browser in market. Thus, I have choose Google Chrome for the ideal choice to build this proposed website. 11.0 Conclusion In conclusion, this proposed website is proposed to help users on shopping. There are few similar website but they have not much information. I have jotted down all the useful information which gather from other websites and will apply them to this proposed system as an enhancement. 12.0 References 1. BEH, Y. H. 2013. Thousands of undelivered mail dumped in leafy Ukay Heights ravine. [online] 21st of July. Available at: